PurpleTutor Is Creating Future Tech Leaders by Building Independent Coding Confidence in Kids
Published 01 September 2021 at 16:32
Tickikids Blog Dubai > After-School Activities > PurpleTutor Is Creating Future Tech Leaders by Building Independent Coding Confidence in Kids

Today, children are growing up as the first generation of a new digital world. PurpleTutor aims to help parents ensure that their child’s relation to technology is not just that of a passive tech consumer. PurpleTutor’s mission is not limited to just teaching children on how to be a tech creator – PurpleTutor's coaches are of the opinion that each kid can be a Future Tech Leader!
Experts of PurpleTutor deeply believe that being Tech Leaders is about Excellence and Independence. Hence, they are obsessed with building Independent Coding Confidence in every single child. Meaning that lessons offered by PurpleTutor are not dependent on the teachers, only facilitated by them. Every project done by children with PurpleTutor courses is measured not just on the output but on kids’ confidence & ability to make it entirely on their own. As ambitious as it sounds, without it PurpleTutor feel they haven’t done their job.
At PurpleTutor courses like App Development, Game Design, Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), and Machine Learning are taught to the kids. They teach a vast variety of topics ranging from block-based coding languages like Scratch to syntax-based programming languages like JavaScript, Python, etc.
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My son started his first day of training with the idea of stepping into the coding world, where he can develop his skills and improvise them. His artistic creativity was discovered and explored by himself during the program. He's in such a phase where he is keen on learning more of it and thanks to our tutor. I would definitely recommend everyone to be a part of the program and develop and find their hidden talents.
⁃ Shibu Samuel, Father of Iven, 9 years, UAE
Why PurpleTutor?
- They have a community of 100,000+ students from 50+ countries
- PurpleTutor has been founded by educators and technology leaders from CMU, Amazon, IIT & IIM
- Their teacher selection policy mandates every teacher to have a formal computer science degree
- They have in-house teacher training, PurpleTutor Academy, where teachers are trained to let the students lead the curriculum journey as per their creative ideas, ability, and interests
- They ensure that each child develops independent coding confidence, and goes from being a coder to a PurpleCoder
Courses offered at PurpleTutor:
LIL CHAMPS: Ages 6 – 9
Students develop a deep understanding of the core programming concepts in the block-based environment. It results in the improvement of logical thinking and problem-solving skills. They explore the basics of Artificial Intelligence and produce projects on Scratch using the machine models trained by them. Students also create apps using the Thunkable programming interface that can be published on the Playstore/Appstore.
YOUNG LEARNERS: Ages 10 and 11
Students create interesting static scenes, 2D animations and interactive games by developing code in JavaScript. They will create fascinating patterns, drawings, and simple animations by writing code in Python, which develops their computational thinking skills. Students also explore Artificial intelligence/ Machine Learning and UI/UX design basics by creating their app using the Thunkable interface.
In this course, students are going to dive deeper into Python programming. They start with learning the basic concepts of sequencing, loops, conditionals and move on to the advanced concepts of data types, variables, functions, string, and list manipulation functions. Their design and creative thinking skills in the Javascript module help students to create numerous art, animation, and game projects. Finally, they explore the CV2 library of Python and learn how a computer manipulates images and videos during the Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning module.
PurpleTutor has also introduced a new course on Roblox, tried by 150 million children worldwide, for 2D & 3D game development. If you ever wanted your child to create video games as proficiently as a game developer, and don't know where to begin, this course is for him/her!
Want to try a session before starting?
I have created apps like a Calculator app, Doodle app & Translator app & also learned to create animations & games in JavaScript. My experience with Purple Tutor is very good.
⁃ Mahadev Manu Ranjan, 12 years, UAE
PurpleTutor focuses on developing ‘skills’ rather than ‘syntax’, to make children:
- Global Collaborators
- Computational Thinkers
- Digital Citizens
- Innovative Designers
Your child will learn computational thinking skills, which are a set of skills required to understand and create technologies of the future.
Skills such as Decomposition – where they learn to solve a big problem by breaking it down into smaller problems rather than getting overwhelmed by it, or Abstraction – where they are able to identify useful information and extract it from a huge pile of data.
I would like to say a huge thank you to PurpleTutor who is delivering amazing classes to my son, Yaroslav. My son always prepares homework himself and is very excited about the classes. I am impressed by the speed and quality with which he is learning. I am very happy that we enrolled my son in these classes and they are absolutely worth every dollar.
⁃ Nadya, Mother of Yaroslav, 11 years, UAE
Where To Find It: info@purpletutor.com
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