Tis' the season to be jolly! Up on the housetop, reindeer paws, out jumps good old Santa Clause. Down through the chimney, lots of toys all for little girls and boys. HO, HO,HO!
Blossom Marina would like to invite all families and friends to attend our annual ‘Festive Fair’! There will be lots of exciting stalls and activities at the nursery such as creating a gingerbread man and decorating a cookie house! All are welcome to attend!
Don't miss out on this festive occasion, it's going to be a 'big bang' with Dubai Drums, Spontiphoria, Narinport, Walid Claus and Tumble Time Dubai.
Making it a day to remember! Book Here
Image Credit: Blossom Nursery
Telephone number
+971 4 422 1068
+971 52 853 1447
DubaiBlossom Marina Nursery, Beauport Tower, Marina Promenade, Dubai Marina
How to get there?
Coordinates : 25.075321, 55.134145