Join Building Blocks’, “Pirates and Mermaids “ spring camp.
Enjoy five exciting days on a treasure island and turn into a pirate or mermaid.
- Treasure hunt: can you, along with your friends find the missing gold coins?
- Walk the plank: balance & place one foot infront of the other on the pirate plank
- Pirate hooks: let’s put on our creative hats & create our own pirate hooks.
- Threading shells: hand & eye coordination activity.
- Mermaid crowns: let’s create some sparkly mermaid crowns.
- Popsicle mermaid tails: what shape is a mermaid’s tail? Let's create & design an unique mermaid tail.
Explore our Five Star facility & enjoy a magical adventure
Dates: 13-17 February 2023
Call 044534363 or WhatsApp us on 056-534-7478 to join our exclusive Pirates and Mermaids camp
Image Credit: Building Blocks Nursery
Telephone number
+9714 453 4363
DubaiBuilding Blocks Nursery and Child Enrichment Centre, Motor City