The Fitness Hub at The Ripe Market is perfect for fitness enthusiasts or those wanting to stay active and enjoy the outdoor weather. In partnership with F45, Karma Yoga, 8D Yoga, My Core Studio, Yoga House, Padel Park, FitKidz and Earth Goods, there’s a timetable of complementary events that caters to all fitness levels.
You’ll need to bring a yoga mat, a towel, water bottle and not forgetting an abundance of enthusiasm for the sessions. Embrace the opportunity to stay active, nurturing the connection between mind and body, while enjoying the numerous physical and mental benefits these free classes offer.
Location: Academy Park
Dates: 28 October - 26 November
Entry: 5 AED
- 9:00AM – 10:00AM - Community Yoga session by Karma Yoga Studio
- 9:00AM – 9:45AM - Gymnastics and Relays for kids between 2-7 years old by FitkizUAE
- 10:00 – 11:00AM - Introduction to Padel by Padel Park
- 5:00PM- 6:00PM - Sunset Yoga by Yoga House my Core studio and Earth Goods.
- 9:00AM – 10:00AM - Community Yoga session by 8D Yoga
- 9:00AM – 9:45AM - Kids Gymnastics and Relays for kids between 2-7 years old by FitkizUAE
- 10:00 – 11:00AM - HIIT Class by F45
- 5:00PM- 6:00PM - Sunset Yoga by Yoga House my Core studio and Earth Goods.
But that’s not all, on 19 November 2023, Promo Seven will join us to host a series of Mai Dubai Community Run events. The route will take participants around Dubai Police Academy and finish inside Academy Park. If you are looking for a family fun run, take part in the 2.5km race for something more challenging, participate in the 5km or 10km run. Runners will need to register online via Promoseven Sports website
Image Credit: Dubai Fitness Challenge
Enrty fee: 5 AED
DubaiThe Ripe Market, Academy Park