
Dumyé's purpose is to bring love and light into the lives of all the children especially the children who have not been spoken for


UNICEF estimates there are more than 132 million children orphaned around the world. Many have lost their families to senseless wars, preventable diseases and suffocating poverty. People at Dumyé seek to give less fortunate children a little something to nurture their spirit. Dumyé handcrafts beautiful, personal and purposeful rag dolls.

For every doll you purchase Dumyé gifts a doll to an orphan or vulnerable child in need and allows them to make it their own through an art workshop. This process of doll creation gives the children an opportunity to reflect upon themselves, process what they have been through and control at least one piece of their world. So not only does a special child in your life receive a meaningful gift to laugh with, play with, dream with but an underprivileged child does as well.


Credit: images of Dumyé


+971 55 963 9396



DUMYÉ STUDIO, Financial Centre Road, Downtown Dubai