Five Senses Studio

Five Senses Studio is a One-stop Destination For ‘Not Just’ Sensory Play in Dubai


Five Senses Studio offers a 7-in-1 session structure where children indulge in various activities and crafts while mamas bond and create friendships. An expert photographer also captures all our sessions. So, you leave the session with beautiful professional pictures and a compiled professional video.

The 7 activities that are bound to make you and your little one smile all day long:

1. Guitar Circle Time

Our incorporation of music and guitar is a way to bond but more than it is an activity that supports early stages of language development. Additionally it speeds up cognitive development and increases concentration and participation, Our classes start with a fun greeting song and guitar time to help kids develop a sense of involvement and make them comfortable.

2. Shadow Puppet Theatre

A theatre for small kids is rare in Dubai. Who would have thought that younger kids would even enjoy theatre? However, shadow puppet theatre is one of the most enjoyed activities at Five Senses Studio. It helps develop a sense of light, movement, patterns and shadows. It boosts confidence while improving listening and memory skills. Integrated shadow theatre sparks imagination and creative expression.

3. Zumba Mommy Style

Dancing with your baby is not only a great way to bond but helps your child develop a good sense of rhythm, time, form, and flow. Therefore, it stimulates vestibular receptors (balance) which is crucial building blocks for a child’s learning. We design the dance in such a way that it is possible to carry the baby or have around you. We advise you to be guided by your baby’s reactions (not too fast, not too slow and not too much spinning). We also incorporate stopping and freezing as its their absolute favorite!

4. Cardboard Crafts

We noticed that kids enjoy cardboard boxes more than fancy toys. Hence, we implement arts and crafts in our session via box crafts because the opportunities are endless! Box crafts for babies and toddlers help with spatial awareness, creativity, comfort, empowerment, control and curiosity. The endless opportunities helps them explore what more they can do with something as simple as a cardboard box!

5. Sensory Messy Play

Sensory play boosts cognitive development, supports language development, develops motor skills, encourages creativity, enhances memory, and creates a sense of independent learning. Not just that, sensory play is a great screen-free activity that is inclusive, engaging and ignites imagination! If your child doesn’t like a certain texture, don’t force them. Be led by the child!

6. Professional Photography & Videography

Most moms who attend sensory classes with their kids are caught up in trying to capture candid pictures & videos. We understand the struggle to be involved yet the desire to capture moments! Our expert photographer and invisible fairy, Sabrina, specializes in capturing real moments between you and your baby. All our sessions are covered by her therefore you will receive lots of professional images of special moments between you and the little one! Not only that, you will also receive a 1 minute group video of the class.

7. Speed Dating Mommy Style

As expats in Dubai, motherhood gets lonely and connecting gets awkward. That’s why our Mummy Style Speed Dating in Dubai helps you build your tribe, dissolve awkward barriers, and helps you identify with like-minded moms.


For Age: From 6 months up to 3 years


  • Wednesday 10.45am
  • Thursday 3.00pm
  • Saturday 10.45am
  • Sunday 3.00pm

*Prior booking is required. Every session is subject to full occupancy. Confirmation or rescheduling of the session will be sent a day in advance via email. We will also be in touch with you via the WhatsApp number you provided in the form.

Why choose Five Senses Studio

  • We are authentic, fun, and most importantly, participative for both mama and baby.
  • We incorporate activities that allow kids to socialize and develop social skills.
  • We send you professional photos & videos of you and your child after the session.
  • We accept only smaller groups of children in one session (no overcrowding).
  • We offer the best price in the market for the variety of our services.
  • We provide a wide range of exemplary services in one environment during 75 minutes session (parents desire one-stop services because they are frustrated they must go to several different businesses or travel long distances).
  • We provide convenient hours of sessions based on the nap timings of your child.
  • We provide an opportunity for moms to socialize.
  • Credibility, integrity, and 100% dedication by staff with an additional personal touch by staff (i.e. Birthday Celebrations).


Image Credit: Five Senses Studio


+971 55 535 7849



Milano by Giovanni Boutique Suites, Jumeirah Village Circle