Jasmine Collin - Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Support

Jasmine Collin - Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Support

Jasmine is a qualified Hypnotherapist and experienced Birthing and Parenting Educator specialising in Fertility, Hypnobirthing and Parenting.


Jasmine  runs group classes and private one to one sessions tailor made to suit your needs and circumstances. 

Hypnobirthing classes are fun, interactive with lots of practice and time for questions and discussion. They are designed with dads in mind so that you can prepare for the birth of your child together and feel confident and excited about this wonderful event in your lives.

Parentting classes.involve parenting skills and strategies with a strong emphasis on self-care and techniques for managing stress and then keeping your stress levels low so that you can parent from a place where you feel calm and grounded.​ You will learn breathing, affirmations, visualisation, self hypnosis, mindfullness and many more tools to add to your own unique tool box of techniques, skills and understanding.


Image Credit: Jasmine Collin - Fertility, Pregnancy, Birth & Parenting Support



+971 50 132 3669


