No-Limit Child Workshop By Sushant Kalra
Part 1
- Thursday 7th March 4pm - 7:30pm
- Friday 8th March 9:30am - 5:30pm
- Saturday 9th March 9:30 - 5:30pm
Part 2
- Thursday 25th April 4pm - 7:30pm
- Friday 26th April 9:30am - 5:30pm
- Saturday 27th April 9:30am - 5:30pm
Price for 5 days workshop:
- 5 days program 7,665 including VAT if paid in advanced before the start of the course.
- Alternatively two payments of 4500 each
At Just Be Holistic Center
102 Al Woushar Street
Umm Suqeim 1, Dubai
Booking in advance is Essential!
For inquiries and booking call 043415751 / +971 566 904 222
No-limit ChildTM Program:
A 2 part program for parents in nurturing the “no-limitness” of their children
Part 1
2 & 1/2 days + 1 month of coaching
- World of an adolescent: Understanding and acknowledging the chaotic world of the 21st century adolescent
- Role of Parenting: Nurturing the ‘no-limitness’ of your child. The session supports parents in distinguishing what they really want for their children and how they can create the environment and the support structure for their children
- Believe! Nurture your child’s selfesteem: This session works on the foundation of performance and provides parents with a real access to building high self-esteem in our children.
- Making children responsible for themselves: The session empowers parents to make children responsible for their life and thus resolve the never- ending parental dilemmas e.g. following up with them for studies, eating, hygiene etc.
- Altering the Context of studies : From a necessary evil to a medium to nurturing‘nolimitness’ and life skills in a child
Part 2
2 & 1/2 days + 1 month of coaching
- Studies are Fun: How to make children enjoy studies: ‘Boring’, ‘curfew’, ‘painful, ‘necessary evil’ - these are some of the adjectives children associate with studies and exams. This session support parents in makingstudies ‘fun’ in a way that makes thechild fall in love with learning. So no more running after children to make them study!
- Sex Education: The workshop will help you to get over your inhibitions around talking about sexuality and related issues with your children. These four hours invested in the workshop will go a long way in helping your children to lead a safe and healthy life.
- Overcoming Failures: Failure is WOW Change the way your child looks at his failures and mistakes. The session changes the way the parents relate to their own failures and those of their children. Embracing failure thus leads to fearless children who are unstoppable in life!
- Give your child a stress free environment: The session provides you with tools and methods to build a stress free environment for yourself and your child to empower them to manage the pressure of studies, career, peers, looks etc.
Image Credit: Just Be Holistic Center
Price for 5 days workshop: 7665 AED
Telephone number
+971 56 690 4222
DubaiJust Be Holistic Center, 102, Al Woushar Street, Um Suqeim 1, Dubai