kidsFIRST therapy team combines social communication and sensory expertise to focus on improving your 3-5 year olds’ social communication and interaction.
Skills that will be addressed include:
- Greetings & eye-contact
- Taking turns and sharing
- Joining in
- Requesting items and information
- Protesting appropriately
- Responding to joint attention
- Awareness of others and environment
- Increasing conversational exchanges
- Following simple rules
4 day camp Sunday through Wednesday. To register, e-mail: camps@kidsFIRSTmc.com or call: +971 4 348 (KIDS) 5437
Image Credit: kidsFIRST Medical Center
Telephone number
971 4 348 KIDS (5437)
DubaikidsFIRST Medical Center, Villa 1171 A, Al Wasl Road Umm Al Sheif