Please note that this is an overdue event

Dance Classes for Kids (3-6 years) @ Kidville Uptown Mirdiff

Dance Classes for Kids (3-6 years) @ Kidville Uptown Mirdiff

Improve your child's balance, rhythm, and flexibility


Prima Ballerinas™

Pirouette and plié! Prima ballerinas will learn new ballet skills and concepts, and improve their balance, rhythm, and flexibility. Then, they’ll enjoy a special tea party and story after the dancing is done. Throughout the semester, the dancers will choreograph a show to perform for family and friends on the last day of class. (45 minutes)

Available for the following age groups:

3 Year Olds:
Thursday: 4:00pm

4 Year Olds:
Thursday: 4:00pm

5 Year Olds:
Thursday: 4:00pm

6 Year Olds:
Thursday: 4:00pm


Credit: images of Kidville




Prima Ballerinas™: 1495 AED

Telephone number




Kidville, Grand Piazza, Uptown Mirdiff, Mirdiff, Dubai

How to get there?