Little Big Brain Explorers

Little Big Brain Explorers

Little Big Brains is a project based program that works on several intelligences within the child. Each project takes the child through unique experiences.


Little Big Brain Explorers is designated for children aging between 3-8 with their parents or caregivers. It will nourish the child’s several intelligence's within him/her.

What happens within a class?
The duration of each project will be 2 hours. A designated theme will be the kick off start for the day. Through that theme Little Big Brain Explorers will be working on the child’s multiple intelligence's i.e. language, maths, science, art, music, nature and inter/intrapersonal skills. Little Big Brain Explorers will strengthen the weaknesses and maintain the strengths. The cooperation of parents/caregivers is vital to achieve the optimum level of learning for that day. The themes to work on are endless and will cover a wide scope.

How is Little Big Brain Explorers different? And how do you know that it suits your child? It’s an instructed holistic approach which is a combination of several curricula, approaches and personal experience. Parent-separation anxiety is not our call. Our program is differentiated as we cater for the needs of a wide range of age groups.

How does  Little Big Brain Explorers relieve you from worrying about having your child achieving milestones?
Little Big Brain Explorers is different from others by allowing each child go through the process of learning at his/her own pace and level of skills away from school stress and the hassle of achieving milestones within certain deadlines. Each child will be competing against his/her own level of knowledge and progress while appreciating the work of others. Therefore, each child is a winner. Running the project for the duration of 2 hours gives us the opportunity to work in an enriched environment with enough time to explore many learning skills. Fonder of Little Big Brain Explorers is experienced at working with this age group. Having a small number of children in each project makes the program unique. This will give the opportunity to work on a one-to-one basis with each child. The child’s interests and concerns are Little Big Brain Explorers' too.

What should the parents be expecting after attending these classes? Your child will become more inquisitive, will think out of the box, search for solutions through his/her trial and error adventure and so will be ready to enter the world of school with a mind full of ideas and not just limited to writing the a b c’s or 1 2 3 s.


Credit: images of Little Big Brain Explorers




+971 55 629 7202




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