Programme for couples preparing for a calm, confident and in control birth. Learn basic birthing physiology, how to deeply relax, let go of fear and connect with your natural birthing instincts. Also, great programme for birth partners to learn tools and techniques to be able to support mothers more effectively during pregnancy and birth.
5 week set of HypnoBirthing Classes
Total of 15 hours tuition
Tuesday Evenings 6:30pm-9:30pm
Babies & Beyond
2200 UAE per couple
Price includes all materials
For more details check out websites
Email anapiera@yahoo.com / ana@loveparentinguae.com
mobile +971 55 801 6791 whatsapp +34677448295
Credit: images of Love Parenting UAE
For parents
5 week set of HypnoBirthing Classes: 2200 AED (per couple, includes all materials)
Telephone number
+791 55 801 6791
+34677448295 whatsapp
Dubaipin Показати мапу Babies and Beyond UAE, Concord Tower, Dubai Media City, 31906 Dubai,