Programme for couples preparing for a calm, confident and in control birth.
Learn basic birthing physiology, how to deeply relax, let go of fear and connect with your natural birthing instincts. It's a great programme for birth partners to learn tools and techniques to be able to support mothers more effectively during pregnancy and birth.
4 week set of HypnoBirthing Classes:
- Monday evenings - 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
- 2200 UAE per couple
- Price includes all materials: workbook, mp3's, music, birth videos & my continuous support until baby is born.
For more details check out websites
To Book:
- E-mail anapiera@yahoo.com or ana@loveparentinguae.com
- Call 055 801 6791
- WhatsApp +34677448295
Image Credit: Love Parenting UAE
For parents
Per couple: 2200 AED
Telephone number
Amy +971 50 329 8208