Join our Free Antenatal Breastfeeding Class for Pregnant Couples!
Breastfeeding can be tricky in the beginning, but often the most challenging part is all the confusing and contradictory advice you will get, even in the hospital. Every health care provider you see may tell you something different, and it can often be the exact opposite from what the last person told you!
Most breastfeeding parents report that they wish they had known more about breastfeeding BEFORE their baby arrived. Our free antenatal workshop is the perfect place to start. Learn some basic knowledge about how breastfeeding works and how to get it off to a great start right from the first feed. PLUS learn all the things that they won’t teach you in the hospital so that you can avoid the common pitfalls. Finally, learn what kind of support is available in Dubai and who you can trust to consult with to make sure feeding is going well (it’s probably not your pediatrician.) Participants of the workshop can also have free access to the instructor for advice and referrals after baby arrives.
Geared to both mums AND dads so partners are strongly encouraged to attend. (Dads LOVE the class and often say they knew more than the hospital staff did about breastfeeding!)
Saturday, March 16, 10am-1pm in Eggs & Soldiers, Times Square Center, Dubai. Free of charge. Taught by an International Board -Certified Lactation Consultant and former midwife, Amy Vogelaar. Space is very limited - Please reserve your spot with info@loveparentinguae.com
Image credit: Love Parenting UAE
For parents
Telephone number
Amy +971 50 329 8208