A lovely 5-week mother and baby on-line class for mums and babies from birth to crawling.
You will learn baby-soothing techniques, including BabyCalm Touch Therapy, Colic and tummy-pain soothing strategies, and TummyTime techniques, get professional support plus meet other new mums in a warm, supportive and relaxed atmosphere.
We spend time each week in discussion about common baby topics such as sleeping, crying, parenting beliefs, adjusting to motherhood, stress and stress relief for mums and babies, and baby wearing.
Diverse opinions and viewpoints are welcome and encouraged--there is not one way to raise a child!
Taught by a former midwife, IBCLC, BabyCalm teacher and mother of 2.
Starting Tuesday May 12 2020
Timing: 2 - 3:30 pm
Venue: Virtual meet-ups through Zoom
Price: 550 AED for 5 classes or 500 if you register a friend.
*Flexible pricing if you are experiencing financial hardship!
Contact amy@loveparentinguae.com.
Image Credit: Love Parenting UAE
For parents
For 5 classes: 550 AED
Telephone number
Amy +971 50 329 8208