Please note that this is an overdue event

Online Coding Wintercamp

Online Coding Wintercamp

Join an immersive Online Wintercamp, offering super fun project-based learning that will help young minds learn through play.


This is an interactive technology camp that will have your child explore the many areas of technology with hands-on activities. Campers complete a project each day with their mentors while interacting in a safe online environment in a live setting led by our experienced instructors in a controlled environment from home.

Campers enjoy all the social interaction as in a regular camp to have fun creating with their peers.

Camp Duration: Dec 6th – Dec 31st ( Sun – Thur)

Timings: 9:30am – 11am



Ages 7-11

Week 1: G-develop(5 days)
Week 2: Fun Electronics & Robotics(5 days)
Week 3: 2d – 3D Design with Tinkercad

Week 4 Roblox Coding(5 days)


Ages 12-15

Week 1: G- develop(5 days)
Week 2: JavaScript coding - p5.js(5 days)
Week 3: AR & VR -  coding(5 days)
Week 4: Roblox coding(5 days)


Image Credit: Makemybot




Price Per Week : 350 AED

Telephone number

+971 800 012 0055


