If you are pregnant and wish to be more confident when making birthing choices then join our Prenatal Preparation Sessions at our convenient Times Square Center Dubailocation.
Great parking and restaurants! Treats by Tom&Serg while you are taught by our experienced Midwife and the UAE’s Baby Whisperer, Cecile de Scally; who has been a wonderful support to new parents in Dubai since 1997.
Book as a package of 4 sessions, to avail a discounted price, by emailing workshops@malaak.me or calling on 043284019 for more information.
Part IV - Intuitive Birth: Your Birth, Your Way focuses on your birth plan, birth preferences, birth partners, breathing and relaxation techniques, massage, acupuncture and labour tips.
Image Credit: Malaak Mama & Baby Care
For parents
Telephone number
+971 4 453 8164
DubaiMalaak Mama & Baby Care, Times Square Center Sheikh Zayed Road