When music bands go on tours around the world, they perform, hold large scale concerts, greet fans, give interviews, participate in photo shoots and indulge in many other exciting activities.
But who runs these grand tours and events from behind the scenes? Who takes care of all the details so that the tours run smoothly? It's the managers that all bands rely on, who execute these tasks to perfection!
In this module, you assume the role of the managers, and plan the band’s next big set of shows. You pick where they go to, how they set up their shows and all the other big and little details. To do that, you must become familiar with timezones, currencies and booking flights, as well as make sure that your team doesn't get lost in a new culture.
Maths and Science
- Reading time on clock face
- Drawing hands on clock face to show time
- Explaining time zones
- Describing longitude and latitude lines
- Using reasoning to explain decisions
Language and Literacy
- Writing poetry through songwriting
- Sharing imagination, thoughts and feelings through art making
- Speaking clearly according to social and cultural norms
- Frame and ask questions for clarification and understanding
- Organising and planning for events
Technology, Innovation and Arts
- HTML coding
Image Credit: Neobael
2 August - 13 August, time: 11:30-14:30.
Cost: 678 AED (Ratio is 6:2. It is a 10-day camp, 3hr/day, no sessions on the weekend (i.e. Saturday and Sunday))
Telephone number
+65 3138 5290 (Singapore)