Play Matters Dubai PEKiP-based playgroup for babies born in January-March 2020 and their parents
- Comes as a course of ten 90-minute weekly meetings
- Consists of movement games, playfully encouraging baby's natural development
- Gentle, mindful, baby-led, play-based and age-appropriate
- 6 families in a group maximum
- Led by a certified group leader
- Based on a renowned German program "Prager Eltern Kind Programm (PEKiP)"
The meeting lasts 90 minutes which include time for settling in, undressing babies, playing, changing or feeding babies (if necessary), asking questions, getting the instructor's feedback (if needed), discussing current parenting topics, exchanging news.
Babies are being gently encouraged to move actively, to learn and practice new skills, to socialize with other babies of the same age, and to explore in a safe environment. They are active participants in each game, free to explore, to follow their interests and to show their personalities.
Parents are encouraged to play creatively with their babies, to mindfully observe them, to respond to their needs, and to help them in a gentle stimulating way. Parents get to meet other families with babies of the same age, to discuss what's on their minds, and to ask for the instructor's input, if needed.
The group's setting creates slow, calm, safe atmosphere that is very good for babies, helps parents to practice their mindfulness, and is perfect for strengthening the parent-baby attachment.
All games and playing materials are carefully chosen by the group leader specifically for the group members age, abilities and challenges at the current moment. No group is ever the same.
All games encourage babies to move in different way, plus can be focused on parent-baby bonding or baby-baby interaction.
The program is backed-up with decades of scientific studies, works of psychologists, social workers, psychotherapists, teachers, kinesiologists, and 40+ years of running PEKiP playgroups, first in German-speaking countries of Europe, then in Russia.
Spring term 2020: April 29 - July 1.
Time: Wednesdays, 10.00 - 11.30.
Place: Babies and Beyond UAE, Concord Tower, office 1906 (Dubai Media City).
Pricing: 1200 AED for the whole term (10 classes).
* No refunds or makeups available for any missed meetings, but one can find that week's games and suggestions for playing at home in his/her whatsup group.
For questions or enrollment please send an email to info@playmattersdubai.ae
Image Credit: Play Matters Dubai
29 April - 1 July, time: 10:00-11:30.
The course of 10 meetings: 1200 AED
DubaiBabies&Beyond, Concord Tower, of.1906, Dubai Media City