Please note that this is an overdue event

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Competition

Codeavour 2022:  International AI Competition for 7 to 18 Year Olds


Codeavour 2022, this year’s BIGGEST international AI and coding competition for kids is now LIVE!

300,000+ kids from 90+ countries will be competing against each other and will stand a chance to win exciting prizes worth $20,000 in total.

It would be an excellent opportunity for you to learn artificial intelligence and coding while getting exposure to an international-level competition.

Check the image above for the schedule

Onsite Training Program (training program from 19 Nov - 10 Dec):

Our team of professional trainers will provide support to the teams interested in participating in the competition. We will provide a crash course on coding and AI, and guide the students through their projects for the competition. For the participants who wish to do hardware and STEM-based projects, the in-person training program will be a perfect opportunity to get support with their projects.

Online Training Program (training program from 17 Nov - 9 Dec):

For those who prefer to participate from the comfort of their homes, we are offering an online training program. This program is suitable for participants who wish to do coding and AI-based projects for the competition.

What does our Codeavour AI and Machine Learning Program include?

  • Crash course on coding with two hands-on projects
  • Crash course on AI with two hands-on projects
  • Orientation of Codeavour Competition
  • Guidelines on how to plan their project
  • Mentorship/support from the conception of the project to its completion (including hardware-based projects)
  • Access to AI and coding bootcamps by the host of the competition, STEMpedia

Register via the link below.


Image & VIdeo Credit: STEM for Kids




Onsite Training program cost: 500 AED
Online Training program cost: 350 AED
Codeavour competition registration cost: 75 AED

Telephone number




Rove Hotel Downtown Dubai