Please note that this is an overdue event

Cyberbullying Workshop by Ostaz

Cyberbullying Workshop by Ostaz

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behavior that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. In this interactive and informative workshop, the attendees will be able to take away a clear understanding of:


  • What is bullying?
  • What are the different forms of bullying?
  • How can it be a part of their lives?
  • What are the red flags to look for?
  • Where does it most likely occur and how to avoid it?
  • How to recognize it and identify it?
  • How to deal with it and help children of all ages deal with it?

Surveys have shown that the average age a child gets a connected device is 10 years old. It has also been reported that 25% of children under the age of 6 years old have devices and half of them spend up to 21 hours a week on their devices. Along with the device, comes the risk of exposure to an incident of cyberbullying. This workshop will provide you with the proper tools and ways to help your child to become aware of these risks.

Whether you think your child might be bullied, has been bullied, is currently being bullied, or might even be the bully him(her)self, this workshop is designed to help you gain the tools and techniques to best deal with any of the situations.

By raising awareness, students who attend the workshop will be able to gain a clearer understanding of how to define bullying; as well as its negative effects on individuals; through:

  • bullying, harassment and discrimination
  • how they can use their personal power to resolve and prevent these problems
  • how they can find and use resources to respond to bullying and harassment, including cyberbullying.

Having worked with numerous schools, parents, organizations as well as students, Maya has become an advocate for raising awareness when it comes to bullying in the region.

Trainer bio:
Maya Sayegh Hawa
Maya holds a degree in Cognitive Psychology from the University of Houston, Certification in Psychology of Leadership from Cornell University as well as a Certification in Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) from the Becks Institute, alongside her Certification in Life and Executive Coach from the International Coaching Federation (ICF).
Specialized in Human Behavior, Maya works with individuals and institutions to help provide the right tools and guidance that assists in daily parenting. With over eight years of experience, she has given workshops on several topics, including Cyber-Bullying as well as Parenting in the Digital Age to help raise awareness as well as emphasize the importance of consciously living in the digital era.

Workshop details:

Date: April 10th, 2021
Time: 11 am GMT +2 (1 pm UAE time)
Duration: 1.5 hours
Location: Virtual Facilitation via Zoom
Price: Free of charge
Registration: Through Ostaz App 


Image Credit: Ostaz






