H72 Productions is happy to announce the auditions for our upcoming 3 plays.
Join us at The Junction on 18th (7pm onwards) & 19th (3pm onwards) Feb for auditions.
Below are the details of the 3 plays and character sketches. Please register your interest by emailing info@thejunctiondubai.com
The 39 Steps
Director: Gautam Goenka
Mix a Hitchcock masterpiece with a juicy spy novel, add a dash of Monty Python and you have The 39 Steps, a fast-paced whodunit for anyone who loves the magic of theatre! This two-time Tony and Drama Desk Award-winning treat is packed with nonstop laughs, over 150 zany characters (played by a ridiculously talented cast of 5), an onstage plane crash, handcuffs, missing fingers, and some good old-fashioned romance!
Richard Hannay (30-40) (M): Uptight, confused, and crafty. Richard lived a decidedly simple, boring life until he was framed for murder, but he seems to be taking it quite well.
Clowns x4 (20-40) (M & F): Versatile actors who can do various British, German and Scottish accents. Will play multiple characters hence must be quick to jump between various roles.
Show Date: May 20-22
Director: Sohaila Kapur & Akansha Goenka
3 young women are invited to audition as hosts for an upcoming TV show. Unknown to them, their unseen host initiates competition and strife among the girls thereby provoking them into action. This dark comedy looks at the perils of reality TV and the “instant gratification” generation that exists today.
Girl 1 (17-25) (F): This small town girl of South Asian origin is a prolific dancer and is looking for something new in life before she gets married. A bit rough around the edges, talented but unsure of how much she wants this.
Girl 2 (17-25) (F): Rich spoiled brat, with an overinvolved father, who is out to prove herself. A bit of a fashion diva, she is well trained in her field and out to make her own mark.
Girl 3 (17-25) (F): Nervous, hesitant and lacking in confidence but determined to make it. After being told all her life that she’s not good enough, this opportunity becomes a major goal to prove herself.
Host (Any) (M): Never seen. Only heard. Assertive voice, commands respect and ruthless in getting what he wants.
Show Date: Jun 24-26
Boeing Boeing
Director: Dee Gee
In Paris, Bernard, an American bachelor is engaged to 3 stewardesses from 3 different airlines and none of them know about the other. However, turbulence looms when the 3 stewardesses come into Paris together and Bernard’s friend and Housekeeper, Robert and Berthe respectively, have to manage this turbulence while creating a mountain of lies.
Bernard (30-40) (M): An American architect who resides in Paris. A charming man and the best liar there is.
Robert (30-40) (M): Bernard’s friend from Wisconsin. An innocent yet excited individual who sometimes talks without thinking.
Gloria (30-40) (F): An American stewardess working for TWA. She takes care of the way she looks and is used to getting what she wants.
Gabriella (30-40) (F): An Italian stewardess working for Alitalia. A feisty woman who is quite dominating.
Gretchen (30-40) (F): A German stewardess working for Lufthansa. An intense woman with strangers but quite lovey dovey with people she’s acquainted with.
Berthe (in her 50s) (F): Bernard’s French Housekeeper. Expressionless; she may be in the best mood of her life yet her face might say that someone has just died.
Show Date: Jul 1-3
Audition Process
All actors must come with a prepared 2 min monologue. Actors may be asked to come for call backs (if needed) or to read additional parts from the script as required.
Image Credit: The Junction
Telephone number
+971 4 3388 525
DubaiAlserkal Avenue Street 8, Al Quoz 1, Dubai