Our Writing Program is designed to prepare your child for advanced courses in High School, including Writing Composition and Language Arts.
This covers everything from spellings, grammar to punctuation and equip students with the tools to write with clarity and conviction.
Spelling and grammar count in the competitive environments that will face our students, it provides the focus and tools to improve student's writing skills today.
Ages 5+ Alphabet and Numbers
Ages 7+ Handwriting, sentence building and spellings
Ages 10+ Grammar and writing techniques
Email addresses to get in touch with us: Dubai@tutoringcenter.com; Dubai2@tutoringcenter.com
Image Credit: The Tutoring Center Dubai
Mon–Thu 14:30–18:30, Sat 10:30–13:30, Sun 14:30–18:30.
Telephone number
+971 4 575 0813
DubaiThe Meadows Village