Avast behind, shipmates! And stand by to go about for a hugely successful family friendly version of a swashbuckling classic.
Pirates of Treasure Island - which brings you all the very best of traditional British pantomime, including sensational singing, delightful dancing, comedy capers, colourful costumes, and absolutely no opportunity missed to press-gang the audience right into the thick of the seafaring action!
And all this played out against the glorious Technicolor backdrop of the high seas, during which we encounter a variety of other madcap characters where the heroic derring-do of unfeasibly good looking goodies is pitted against the fiendish skulduggery of unbelievably gruesome baddies, forming the essential ingredients of a buccaneering plot sure to delight youngsters and adults alike. An absolute must for anyone addicted to either pirates or pantomimes… or both!
Dates: 10 June
Time: 10.30 am
Prices start from AED 75
Image Credit: Theatre by QE2
tickets start from: 75 AED
Abu DhabiTheatre by Erth