UCAM Español Institute

UCAM Español Institute

The UCAM Spanish Institute DMCC is part of the ESI (Higher Language School) of the San Antonio Catholic University of Murcia, Spain.


All of our courses and activities are supervised by the ESI and there is coordination with other international Spanish schools, such as in Jakarta and the UK. The ESI has five headquarters, three sites in Spain, one in the UK, and another in Dubai. The main purpose of the last one, in Dubai, is to promote the teaching, study, and use of Spanish in the Middle East, as well as contributing to the diffusion of Hispanic cultures. The UCAM Spanish Institute is the first Spanish center in the UAE, in operation since April 2014, dedicated to spreading the Spanish language through the different courses and the wide amounts of extra activities that we offer. The importance of learning Spanish nowadays falls into the large number of speakers of this wonderful language. Currently, Spanish is the second most spoken mother tongue in the world and the third most spoken language in the world, the total number of speakers after Chinese Mandarin and English. So promoting the study of Spanish, so demanded today internationally by a context of European integration and economic globalization, has become one of the aims of this body.


Image Credit: UCAM Español Institute


+971 4430 8286



Mazaya Business Avenue BB2 Tower, 39th floor, office 07