Please note that this is an overdue event

Spring Camp by UpiOpi

It's JOY TIME! Play to learn with UpiOpi


Science, movement, arts, cooking, mindfulness, dance & computational thinking

Do you have a kid who:

  • Conducts their own “experiments” with your kitchen supplies whenever they can?
  • Is an aspiring chef and adores making great food?
  • Asks a bunch of questions like ‘How do flowers bloom’ or ‘Why does water just vanish’?
  • Loves dancing or running around and can’t sit still?
  • Can spend all day making handmade gifts for their family and friends?

If the answer for any of the above is YES, your kid will love Joy Hunting - Become creative and active with upiopi for 7 to 10-year-olds. In this live, online, 5-day long camp, our upiopers will get the chance to enhance their global citizenship, join fun exercises, do kitchen chemistry experiments, cook healthy dishes, and many more! Enroll your child now and let them have a joy-filled time with hands-on activities that they love.

Dates: 21 - 25 March

Age & Timing:

  • 5 - 6 years olds from 10 am - 12 pm; more info
  • 7 - 10 years olds from 3 - 5 pm; more info 

Fees: 740 AED (includes supplies delivered)

Need: Minimal adult support

Mode: online


Image Credit: UpiOpi




fees: 740 AED


