Pinkfong and Hogi receive a pile of letters all of a sudden. Who sent all these letters to Pinkfong and Hogi? Where did they come from? Wow! These letters are from the fans of Wonderstar all around the world! Pinkfong and Hogi immediately decide to host the most wonderful concert with the help of Wonderstar friends and invite the fans around the world.
From the all-time favorite, the Baby Shark song to the catchy and melodious tunes of the Police Car song, T-Rex, and much more, enjoy all of your favorite tunes in one movie!
- Genre: Animation
- Release Date: 16 March 2023
- Starring: Colleen O’Shaughnessey, Cassandra Lee Moris, Jessica Rau, Stephanie sheh, Larissa Gallagher, Tara Sands, Kyle McCarley, Lexi Fontaine, Giselle Fernandez
- Language: English
- Subtitle(s): Arabic
Image Credit: VOX Cinemas
14 April, See the website for the opening hours.
Abu DhabiVOX Cinemas Abu Dhabi