Please note that this is an overdue event

Baby Massage Butterfly Touch

Baby Massage Butterfly Touch

Newborn babies love light touch from their parents. 


Dr. Eva Reich who is the daughter of Wilhelm Reich, a Psychoanalyst, developed her unique light touch therapy called Butterfly Touch. It is so gentle that it helps premature babies restore the flow of energy so that the babies breathe deeper into their lungs.

Butterfly Touch Massage should be the first massage newborn babies receive before introducing firmer touch in infant massage. Butterfly Touch is so light that it restores the flow of energy due to interruption of the flow of energy in the body, such as the use of epidural, assisted births, separation from mom and baby etc. Butterfly Touch Massage is developed to help families promote bonding between mother and baby, as well as father and baby. Daily Butterfly Touch baby massage relaxes tense muscles, calms the mind, reduces colics, heals birth trauma, promotes growth and overall improved well-being. This light touch massage benefits premature babies, newborn babies, and toddlers to help them feel safe and well adjust to life on land.

Benefits to Baby:

  • Promote relaxation and melt tension in the body
  • Reduce stress and colics in babies
  • Remove birth trauma and integrate the birth experience.
  • Stimulate healing properties and promote growth
  • Promote parent-baby bonding
  • Relax diaphragm muscle to resolve hiccups

Session held via Zoom


Image Credit: Birth Discovery


For parents


Admission for One pair Parent & Baby: 30 SGD

Telephone number

+65 9863 7867


