Kindred Community

Kindred Community

At Kindred, 2 key principles guide us in all that we do.


First, it all starts with our thoughts. Thoughts are important because they determine how we live and interact with the environment and people around us. Hence, we believe in developing good, clean thoughts within the Kindred Community.

Yet the grandest of intentions are nothing compared to the smallest deed. That is why we value the mentality of taking action – not to benefit just oneself, but the community and the world we live in.

Together with other like-minded organizations and individuals, we want to build a clean environment for all, one clean thought and deed at a time.

Kindred Community is founded on the biblical values of loving God and the people around us. Beyond a religious context, we believe that the values of love and respect are universal. I’m sure you’ll agree that the world would be a better place if everyone upheld such values as basic.


Image Credit: Kindred Community



