Bedayati Nursery @ Al Najda

Bedayati Nursery is considered the second home for your child.


We are committed to providing the best day care and pre-school services available and are happy to celebrate their childhood and have devoted our attention to that matter. Nurseries are considered the best place to keep the mental and physical health of the child from the very first months, where interest lies in the development of his/her sense of security, love , stability and to provide safety and care for them.

Our mission in Bedayati Nursery is to produce children that are happy, creative and enjoying life’s pleasures in an atmosphere of fun. Also, provide them with the necessary confidence and care they deserve while providing a superior service quality and provision of health care.

Health Care

  • The health and safety of your children is very important for us, and in order to provide a healthy and safe environment for all children, Bedayati Nursery take into account the following 
  • Bedayati Nursery’s doctor visits the children in class periodically.
  • The nurse on ground visits all classes during the day to take the child’s temperature and follow up on his/her health concerns.
  • In case of accident, the nurse will follow first aid procedures and parents will be notified immediately.
  • Parents must notify the nursery in case the child will be absent.
  • Parents must notify the administration about any surgeries, and any allergies that the child has from any medication and/or food (including and not limited to asthma, allergy from inhalers and food like nuts, dairy, etc). Genetic diseases such as epilepsy or something must be considered by informing the nursery.

Why Bedayati Nursery ?

  • Provides healthy environment that is stimulating and suitable for children to learn and play.
  • Strengthens positive values for children.
  • Builds a sense of innovation and develop the senses.
  • Strengthens the value of love for science and knowledge by providing encouragement and reassurance.
  • Strengthens the ability of the child to grow and learn through providing the best early years education services.


Image Credit: Bedayati Nursery


Tel. +971 (0) 2 444 4490
Mob. +971 (0) 50 642 4000
Mob: +971 (0) 52 912 0580



Abu Dhabi
Behind Abu Dhabi Women’s College – Al Najda Street