Please note that this is an overdue event

Exhibition "The World Is Too Much With Us" @ Alliance Francaise Dubai

Exhibition "The World Is Too Much With Us" @ Alliance Francaise Dubai

The World Is Too Much With Us.

Locally based arts writer Anna Seaman has invited six very different UAE-resident artists to speak out for the natural world today, as part of Together&Now Festival aimed at supporting eco-citizenship and ecological transition:​

  1. Soraya Sikander
  2. Stephanie Neville
  3. Huma Shoaib
  4. Emma Skinner
  5. Valentina Alexeevna
  6. Jennifer Stelco​

The title comes from Wordsworth’s 1807 poem of the same name, expressing his sadness about the way the natural world was being trampled by the capitalist and consumerist society emerging from the Industrial Revolution.​

The artists, by exhibiting their works, hope to encourage immediate action on issues such as climate change, plastic pollution and endangered species. 

“If the past 12 months has taught us anything, it is that nature is ultimately more powerful than any man-made force," says curator Anna Seaman. "The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to slow down and reconsider our habits. I chose the title of this Wordsworth sonnet for this exhibition because its powerful and heartfelt words are still so poignant."

Soraya Sikander. Thunder.

On view will be works by artists such as Soraya Sikander, who is keen on raising awareness on issues such as deforestation, climate change and sea temperature changes; Stephanie Neville, who through textile art, has designed hanging sculptures from embroidery which capture the suffering of the ocean due to excessive plastic waste; Valentina Alexeevna, who focuses on energy and consciousness, with the silhouette and patterns in her artworks presented in diverse formations, just as how life and energy are; and many more.

"Best-selling author Naomi Klein called climate change 'a battle between capitalism and the planet' and this battle is coming to a head with the need for radical action being more urgent than ever," says Anna. "All the artists, in their various ways, are using their art to call for change.” 


Vernissage Date: Monday 22 February from 6 pm (In the presence of the artists)

Exhibition Dates: from February 22 to March 7


Image Credit: Alliance Francaise Dubai



Telephone number

+971 4 335 8712



Oud Metha, Street 18, Dubai, United Arab Emirates