Please note that this is an overdue event

Table Talk - Tips & Tricks For Raising Healthy Eaters

Table Talk - Tips & Tricks For Raising Healthy Eaters

Join us for a fun and interactive child nutrition session with the Leela's Lunches team who will share best practices for getting children to develop a positive relationship with food


They will dispel myths about picky eating and share practical tips and tricks on how to make sure your child eats real wholesome food, full of goodness, and how to take the stress and worry out of mealtimes!
Learn how to whip up quick, healthy, finger licking dishes that no child can resist, with our very own Masterchef, we'll cook up a storm with your little ones in our pop-up kitchen!
As a special treat from us, don’t forget to pick up your very own mini-cookbook that will help you create tasty, nutritious, and fun dishes for your child at home.
We look forward to seeing you and your mini Masterchefs in the making!
*Nursery tours available during the day.

Date: June, 15th

Time: 10am - 12pm

Image Credit: Safari Kid Nurser


For parents



Telephone number

+971 50 454 8879



Safari Kid Nursery, Meydan, Unit CC01.03, Nursery Unit, District One, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum City