Please note that this is an overdue event

Germs Science lesson

Germs Science lesson

Germs Science lesson for children


Want your children to learn more about science in a fun, practical and active way? With upiopi, we bring your child live online programs to prepare them with the skills they need for the future!

Age: 5-7 years

In this lesson:

  • How do germs spread on your hands? 
  • How soap breaks the surface tension of water? 
  • Why do we need to use soap?

Date: Wednesday, November 10

Time: 16:00 - 16:45

How: Live coaching via Zoom

Fees: AED 77

Learning goals

  • Practise kitchen chemistry-related skills like: measuring, interpreting recipes and stain removal.
  • Practise communicating their observations and giving arguments to support their interpretation.
  • Develop creativity and handcrafts by designing and building machines of their own design.
  • Help the story characters in trouble and practise empathy skills.
  • Practise numeracy and categorisation using all the senses.
  • Learn about basic programming concepts: commands and scripts.


Some parental support needed

A computer or tablet with camera, internet connection and Zoom application.


Image Credit: UpiOpi




fees: 77 AED


