World Class Arena

World Class Arena

What is World Class Arena?


World Class Arena is an international initiative devised by UK Education Bureau in 2000. It targets 8 - 14 year-old students. With the use of information technologies, this programme provides rich task challenges to students discovering their logical thinking and scientific exploration potential. WCA natures kids for creative thinking to meet 21st century challenges.

WCA objectives:

  • provides contents and training for developing Higher Order Thinking;
  • World Class Tests (WCT) – internationally benchmark assessment in reflecting students’ Mathematics and Problem Solving abilities;
  • provides opportunities to join international gifted and talented training programmes


 It is a World Class Arena's platform where children can enrich their knowledge and understanding from around the world


Image Credit: World Class Arena


+(852) 2354 0890



Hong Kong
Room 1509, 15/F, Manhattan Place, 23 Wang Tai Road, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon