Factors to Consider When Constructing or Buying a Children-Friendly Home
Published 21 January 2025 at 10:00
Tickikids Blog Singapore > Reviews > Factors to Consider When Constructing or Buying a Children-Friendly Home

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The Right Furniture
Every corner of the home has different types of furniture. What you keep in the living room differs from the kitchen, bedroom or outdoor. The taste and colour also differ based on the style and purpose. When getting furniture for the living room, consider the theme and colour match, which sets the mood for the home.
However, outdoor furniture usually takes the natural colour. The design is more toned down and relaxing, typical of a holiday set-up.
Those who prefer working in the garden on their computer can get comfortable furniture to accommodate their taste. If you have kids, get low-height outdoor furniture that allows them to enjoy the garden.
Recreational Area
Children need a place to play and exercise, especially outdoors. Depending on their talent or strength, you can choose a section in the compound for them to exercise their body and mind. For children who are more into arts, set aside a room where they can paint, practice the piano or write programming codes. The goal is to develop the child’s brain outside formal education and grow their professional and social capacity.
Study Area
Most contemporary homes use the dining room as the study area. However, the furniture design in a dining room strains the children, especially the height. The dining room table is high for a child, which makes studying uncomfortable. Just like you as a parent have a study area, so should your child. The area should have all the necessities to facilitate academic concentration: storybooks, stationery, reading charts, a home desk and a shelf.
If the house does not have extra rooms to create the study area, consider converting a corner in their bedroom. This section should be closer to the window for natural light and the furthest to the living room to minimise noise and interruptions. With time, you should update the material to mirror their academic growth.
A garden, which has different uses from a recreational area, is essential in a home, especially if the kids have started to understand life and growth. It brings about the concept of nurturing and understanding the universe. Growing, trimming, and watering plants allow children to appreciate the value of environmental conservation and management. Essentially, the home garden is the least disturbed but most beautiful area.
The homestead should have a specific place where all the tools, equipment and machinery are kept. You will find farm tools, the family car, a mowing machine and even old furniture. It might be designed to keep all unused equipment, but it is a room where the father interacts with his kids. With this in mind, installing some furniture in the garage besides the shelves and lockers is advisable.
Turning a house into a home requires a substantial understanding of what makes a house habitable and fun. All the sections described above have their role in a child’s life and should be considered. Most importantly, having enough space in the home and outside is advisable as it gives you an adequate area to bond with the kids.