
Hanging Around @ Jao Tsung-I Academy: The Creative Process

Behind the spotlight are a group of persistent cultivators, silently making great creative work. With your support they can break through the barriers of reality and complete this feast of creation.


The “Hanging Around@ Jao Tsung-I Academy: TheCreative Process” makes film industry as the quarterly theme and seeks support and understanding for these film industry cultivators.

  • Target: A wide range of activities available to different groups.
  • Location: Jao Tsung-I Academy (800 Castle Peak Road, Kowloon)
  • Date: 27 January, 24 February, 17 March 2019
  • Time: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

The Highlight Programmes in January:

  • Themed exhibition, screening and sharing, 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

Jao Tsung-I Academy together with the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), will present a series of outstanding film productions by creative teams of local students, including “The True Story of Ah Poon”, “Where’s the Head?”, and “Landing”. They will present the creativity behind the younger generation of film producers through a props exhibition, film screenings, and director-sharing sessions. Free admission.

  • Themed activities: Exchanging DVD, 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

We experience a life of many flavors, like sweet, sour, bitter or spicy, every time we exchange a DVD with others and watch a new movie. We want to share this experience with you. In the online generation, we exchange physical DVDs in lieu of real emotional exchange, between the video and “I”, and between the real “you” and “me”. Free to join.

  • Handmade Market and Workshops, 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

People who enjoy the handmade can come and mingle together in a simple and comfortable market environment where more than 20 handicraft brands will be on offer. In addition, welcome to join the pinball machine workshop (Fee: HK$180 per family group) and mini “neon lights” workshop (Fee: HK$300 per person) to experience the joy of making handicraft, as well as the literary sketching @JTIA (Fee: HK$80 per person) to appreciate the beauty of literature.

See more details on the website


Image Credit: Jao Tsung-I Academy




+(852) 2100 2828






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荔枝角站 A出口, 於長沙灣廣場側轉乘巴士 31B、32、35A、36B、286X,至「饒宗頤文化館」站下車。


九巴31B, 32, 35A, 36B, 40, 286X線,至「饒宗頤文化館」巴士站下車。