Tickikids Blog Dubai

PurpleTutor Is Creating Future Tech Leaders by Building Independent Coding Confidence in Kids

Published 01 September 2021 at 16:32

PurpleTutor Is Creating Future Tech Leaders by Building Independent Coding Confidence in Kids

Today, children are growing up as the first generation of a new digital world. PurpleTutor aims to help parents ensure that their child’s relation to technology is not just that of a passive tech consumer. PurpleTutor’s mission is not limited to just teaching children on how to be a tech creator – PurpleTutor's coaches are of the opinion that each kid can be a Future Tech Leader!


6 Tips To Ensure Your Child's Safety During Field Trips

Published 13 July 2021 at 21:30

6 Tips To Ensure Your Child's Safety During Field Trips

When children hear the word ‘field trip’, it automatically makes them feel excited and euphoric. For them, having a field trip is their chance to finally get out from the four walls of their classroom and have some time outdoors with their friends, classmates, and schoolmates.

Another thing children look forward to about a field trip is that it involves traveling to different educational places they may not have visited before. Some of these may include the zoo, safari, animal shelter, sanctuary, a local farm, and more.

As much as field trip produces much excitement for children, it can also be a greater worry for parents like you. During a field trip, your child will be outside the school borders for the whole day while being accompanied by one teacher and one bus driver. It may be worrisome for your part to know your child is out there, exploring different places without your supervision. Plus, you may be worried as well about how your child behaves when outdoors.

Thankfully, there are ways in which you can ensure your child’s safety during field trips without having to compromise your time from work. With a detailed plan and some smart steps, you can assure that your child will enjoy this new type of learning while staying safe and sound.


Unmissable Summer Holiday Camps to Add to Your Diary for 2021 Part 2

Published 01 July 2021 at 23:03

Unmissable Summer Holiday Camps to Add to Your Diary for 2021 Part 2

Dubai is home to many summer camps with loads of engaging and enriching activities. Without a doubt, here you will find a camp that will fully correspond to your needs and will meet your child's interests!


11 Relocating Tips for Single Parents from Movers and Packers Dubai

Published 24 June 2021 at 15:02

11 Relocating Tips for Single Parents from Movers and Packers Dubai

The process of relocating to a new home can be immensely demanding especially for single parents who have a couple of children. However, this challenge can be overcome by taking the process slow and planning ahead of time.

Here are the following tips that can help single parents in their moving journey.


Unmissable Summer Holiday Camps to Add to Your Diary for 2021

Published 24 May 2021 at 18:28

Unmissable Summer Holiday Camps to Add to Your Diary for 2021

As the summer approaches and summer school holidays are on the horizon, it feels like the time to start searching for the right holiday camp for your little ones. Time and again, our editors will help you hit the ground running: online or in-person, from arts, sports, acting, singing and dancing to STEAM and designing cities with Lego, there is so much to discover. The much-anticipated list of approved summer holiday camps is not particularly long this year, yet it does include some genuinely fabulous children’s holiday programmes. Don’t waste a moment – choose one of the options below to get started.


10 Wicked Gifts for 6-12-Year-Olds

Published 14 May 2021 at 19:31

10 Wicked Gifts for 6-12-Year-Olds


Top Tenner of Gifts for Kids Aged 3-6 Years

Published 14 May 2021 at 16:53

Top Tenner of Gifts for Kids Aged 3-6 Years

Meet our list of educative, fun, and entertaining gifts for preschoolers. We've rounded up some interesting toys and games that kids gonna love!


Top 10 Gifts for Babies and Infants

Published 14 May 2021 at 13:43

Top 10 Gifts for Babies and Infants

Do not waste your time browsing through hundreds of toys for babies and infants at the online shops! We have prepared a selection of gifts that are age-appropriate, enriching, fun, useful, and, what is more important, won't drive new parents crazy with loud music and sounds!


Discover the Key Benefits and Best Practice of Baby Massage

Published 15 February 2021 at 19:17

Discover the Key Benefits and Best Practice of Baby Massage

There is the truth about baby massage that every parent needs to know. Apart from numerous health benefits for your baby, this is an easy way to help you communicate both verbally and non-verbally with your baby from birth and throughout their early lives.


What Makes Swimming the Best Sport for Babies and Toddlers?

Published 20 January 2021 at 13:16

What Makes Swimming the Best Sport for Babies and Toddlers?

Swimming is, perhaps, the most beneficial sport for kids, especially babies and toddlers. Find out more about a tremendous influence on physical and cognitive development of your child, and how you can turn your visit to the pool into a great family bonding time!


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