Mind HK x KELY

Mind HK x KELY

Coolminds, a joint initiative between Mind HK and KELY Support Group, promotes mental health awareness, support and understanding in Hong Kong’s youth, and those around them. 

Coolminds resources range from mental wellbeing tips, to factsheets about conditions like depression and anxiety, to a directory linking young people to vital mental health support. Coolminds encourages young people to share their voice and speak openly about their mental health experiences, providing training to encourage such sharing. Their “Clear the Clouds” initiative, which is currently in development, will be a two-day workshop, where young people will learn to share their lived experiences with mental health in closed settings and events. Online, the Coolminds blog is filled with articles and personal stories from local teens and university students talking about self-care, exam pressures, bullying and more. Every young person in Hong Kong is invited to check it out and submit their own blog or story.

To holistically empower the communities and systems surrounding young people, Coolminds organises workshops for students, parents and educators – known as a “whole-school approach”. The workshop series is designed to target the different kinds of people who coexist within a young person’s community, providing access to local resources and giving everyone a common language to speak


Image Credit: Mind HK x KELY




Hong Kong