Mulberry House International Kindergarten

"Raising bilingual learners, nurturing global citizens"

Mulberry House International Kindergarten is a Dual-Language School for children under 6 years old, where English and Mandarin Chinese language and culture are fully integrated throughout every aspect of a child’s early years learning experience.

Programme Offering:

1. Dual-lingual 50/50 English/Mandarin programme for mornings

2. Pure English & Pure Mandarin programmes for afternoons

3. Forest School as part of school programme

4. An array of exciting Extra-Curricular Activities (ECAs) in Language Arts, Performing Arts, Sports, STEAM etc.

Inspired by the Reggio Emilia approach, Mulberry House's curriculum is child centred, promoting holistic development and creative thinking. Each classroom is guided by qualified and experienced native English and Mandarin educators. Throughout day to day life, your child will effortlessly absorb and experience both English and Mandarin as both “Living Languages”, building up their fluency and literacy levels, developing their academic skills, and cultivating happy and confident global citizens.

  • Taipo Kindergarten: LG/F, Mayfair By The Sea I, 23 Fo Chun Road
  • Southside Kindergarten: G/F, Ocean Court, 3 Aberdeen Praya Rd, Aberdeen




Hong Kong