We appreciate your time, therefore we created Telegram Guide to help you stay tuned for the most interesting fun events for kids in your city!
1. You can download Telegram for PC and/or mobile device by clicking the link.
2. To start using the bot, follow the link and click Start button at the bottom of the screen. You can also find our bot by entering "TickiKids. HongKong" keyword in Telegram search.

3. Use the main menu to find the most interesting events for today, tomorrow or upcoming weekend

4. Using the buttons under the event description, you can view all available options of events in your mobile phone (device). You can also share event with your friends and view it on the website.

5. After you click Go to the website button in the main menu, Telegram Guide will send you the link to the website where you will be able to: view events, buy tickets, read helpful reviews and share your recommendations with your friends
6. By clicking the Subscription button, you can subscribe to a weekly newsletter of fun events for weekend and promo offers from TickiKids project partners

7. Using Near me button in the main menu, you can find events occurring in a certain radius away from you. To use this function, you should allow bot access to your location and choose the radius of search

8. If you need any help, you can send "/help" message to the bot at any time and view all available commands
9. If you would like to disable our Telegram Guide notifications, click Mute notifications item in the upper menu. To delete the bot, click Delete chat