Interested in learning filmmaking?
Students who want to become creators in the world’s most powerful medium now have the chance to do so with Babel Film Workshop’s online after-school Filmmaking activity!
Each season, students are introduced to a key aspect of filmmaking, and create a final film project to showcase their learning to parents. This Fall, students will learn about film editing in Filmmaking III: Editing Suite*.
In this course, students will:
- Experience editing a Hollywood film
- Create sound effects (foley) and edit them
- Gain proficiency in basic editing software
- Learn how editing helps us understand and enjoy movies
Join us this season, and engage with filmmaking in the Editing Suite!
*All students are welcome, even if they have not joined Filmmaking I or II. Students who complete all 3 courses will receive a Pioneer Filmmaker Certificate from Babel Film Workshop.
Class Details
- Dates:
Tuesdays (14/9, 21/9, 28/9, 5/10, 12/10, 19/10, 2/11, 9/11, 16/11, 23/11)
Wednesdays (15/9, 29/9, 6/10, 13/10, 20/10, 3/11, 10/11, 17/11, 24/11, 1/12)
- Time: 4:15pm-5:30pm
- Classes: 10
- Platform: Google Meet and Classroom
- Tuition: 2,800 HKD
Image Credit: Babel Film Workshop
Tuition: 2800 HKD
Telephone number