Top 15 sports for children and what Hong Kong has to offer
Published 04 January 2021 at 00:06
Tickikids Blog Hong Kong > digest > Top 15 sports for children and what Hong Kong has to offer

It is impossible to underestimate the role of sports in the physical and emotional development of a child. Many researches highlight the positive impact of sports on the kids’ mood. The physical activity involved in any kind of sports is the perfect tool to prevent depression for kids aged 6-10 years! So, if you see that your kid feels low and prefers to stay indoors, it is time to spur him into sports!
Children get much more than simply burning off at least some of their boundless energy when they go in for sports! Regular physical activity boosts the development of stronger muscles and bones, aids weight control, and improves motor and cognitive skills. More than that, sports teach discipline, self-restraint, focus on a goal, and build character. Being a part of a team a child develops social skills, learns how to make friends and communicate with peers. And there is a pretty good chance that the kids will sleep better at night, at last!
We are lucky as Hong Kong has a wide range of individual and team-based sports to offer! And here is a run-down of the top sports classes and programs!
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1. Football and Soccer
This kind of sport offers all benefits of teamwork. Being a part of the team and working together to succeed, kids learn to interact with teammates and have a great cardiovascular workout. What’s not to love? There are many football schools in Hong Kong so, rest assured, it is possible to find a school able to develop skills and train your mini-Messi.
2. Tennis
Tennis improves hand-eye coordination, develops agility, strength, speed, and flexibility of kids. More than that, it has been proven to prevent osteoporosis later on in life as it strengthens the bones of kids. There are many tennis lessons for novices and pro players in Hong Kong to choose from!
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3. Badminton
Although badminton looks plain and simple, it is the game that required speed and great health condition. Believe it or not, but it is one of the fastest games in the world! This fact is based on the speed of a birdie which can travel over 200 mph! No wonder that kids develop their attention, train eyesight and hand-eye coordination with help of this game. Badminton is a non-contact sport, so the risk of serious injuries is minimal.
And, of course, Hong Kong has many locations where your kids can train and develop skills in badminton.
4. Squash
Another racquet sport that boosts coordination, attention, eye sight, and provides intense workout. It is mainly indoors sport so kids can train all year round. Also, it is a very social sport so kids can communicate with peers. Another benefit of this sport is that it does not require too much equipment.
And if your kid wants to take a crack at squash, Hong Kong has many options to offer!
5. Basketball
Basketball is not just about running and jumping with a ball. It offers a whole-body workout and requires knowledge and understanding of different strategies. And (an important point for many parents) the set of exercises, frequency of movements and jumps improves the height of a young player.
Searching for great training grounds for your future MBA star? Hong Kong some of the best training options!
Photo Credit: Pixabay
6. Baseball
Baseball is a great choice for building gross motor skills and developing motor planning. This sport develops concentration, patience, builds core muscle strength, and coordination. What’s interesting, the success in this game is impossible without knowledge of Physics and Math. Kids learn the essentials of energy and strength, speed, and direction to be able to play well.
There are many locations in Hong Kong, where your child can learn all tips and tricks about baseball!
7. Rugby
Unlike many other team sports rugby offers equal opportunities to all players. Here any player can run the ball, pass the ball, or play defense. Also, this sport is great in terms of developing physical strength, resilience and stress relief.
Rugby is one of the most popular kinds of sports in Hong Kong, so no surprise that the number of places where your kid can learn how to play rugby is overwhelming.
8. Ice Hockey
Here the key points for success are agility and balance. Still, it also develops gross motor skills, coordination, and endurance. Usually, young players have limited ice time, so kids learn not to waste time and work hard the get the most out of the allowed time. Hong Kong has many options to choose from, for young and experienced players, and there are even lessons run by former NHL player!
9. Sailing
The list of the benefits, impressions, and feelings that one sailing lesson can bring to your kid is astonishing! Hardly anything can compete with piloting your own craft when you are only 8 years old!
Apart from physical development, sailing improves spatial awareness, sense of direction, and weather knowledge.
If your kid is interested in this sport, you can find many classes at yacht clubs in Hong Kong, as well as various expeditions for kids of all ages.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
10. Kayaking and canoeing
It is a non-competitive kind of sport that combines physical exercises, getting outdoors and exploring nature. It is fun, entertaining, and considered to be a great aerobic workout for kids. It is also a great way of relaxation and de-stressing.
There are many locations in Hong Kong, where your kids can practice kayaking and canoeing under supervision of the experienced and highly qualified instructors.
Photo Credit: Pixabay
11. Swimming
Swimming improves work of heart and lungs, builds muscles, improves endurance, and aids digestion. Apart from multiple health benefits, swimming teaches children how to be safer in and around the water. And this is the kind of sport where even 4 month-olds can participate!
No wonder that Hong Kong has many locations, lessons, and classes where your kid can learn how to swim and take part in fun and entertaining activities.
12. Synchronized Swimming
What can be more elegant that synchronized swimming? It is beautiful, yet skillful sport that requires great endurance and aerobic capacities from the sportsmen. And, kids do not train in water only. The lessons usually include gymnastics, Pilates and Ballet exercises to improve flexibility, and cycling, long-distance running, and free swimming for boosting endurance.
If your young lady wants to get involved in this sport, there is no need to worry, Hong Kong has some great places for you!
13. Gymnastics
Searching for a place where to apply roaring energy of your future Champion? Gymnastics is a sound solution for the kids who love to jump and roll around the house! At least, here they can do it with instructors who will make sure that all exercises are performed in a safe manner.
Gymnastics improves coordination, flexibility, strength and overall body control. And it is fun!
Hong Kong has a variety of classes, lessons, and places where your kids can practice, and, who knows, maybe it will become a start of a lifelong journey!
14. Martial Arts
There are many kinds of martial arts to choose from. Still, there are some things in common: martial arts provide a great workout, boosts self-esteem and discipline. It is something more than just kicking and punching!
Here, in Hong Kong, parents can find classes for kids aged 3 and older.
15. Rock Climbing
Although rock climbing is considered to be quite intimidating even for adults, when it is performed in a safe and supervised manner, it can be fun and entertaining! Moreover, it can become your favorite family activity! Hong Kong has many rock climbing gyms with experienced instructors, where you can spend some quality time together with your family or let your kids explore their Spiderman skills!