Please note that this is an overdue event

Micro:bit Robotics Trial Classes

Are you looking for after school technology classes for kids? You may want to try trial classes before joining Blueinno Technologist Program to learn coding and robotics.


Course Description:
Inspire kids to solve real life problems with coding
Program with sensors to interact with the environment

Who is this for?
This is a perfect course for kids who love robotics but is new about coding. Students can get a good knowledge of coding and sensors and can start their journey with Blueinno Technologist Program.

Requirements​: No programming skills required. Bring your own laptop with charger and pre-installed Google Chrome browser ​

BBC Micro:bit is a programmable circuit board introduced to millions of UK students for their design and tech classes. We are introducing micro:bit curriculum to students with the vision to help improve kids' science and technology learning.

The event is open to all. As limited seats are available, please RSVP for all attendees to confirm your admission.

Enquires: Email Blueinno Technology at or Phone Blueinno Technology at +(852) 39145257

More Info


Credit: Images of Blueinno Technology




Per Lesson: 380 HKD

Telephone number

(+852) 55405257



Hong Kong
Room 906, Summit Insurance Building, 789 Nathan Road