Conserve and Revitalise Hong Kong Heritage

Conserve and Revitalise Hong Kong Heritage

Conserve and Revitalise Hong Kong Heritage

In recent years, Hong Kong people have expressed a passion for the city's historic past and its place in future. Indeed, it is to be expected that a mature and advanced society such as ours should become more aware of its historic legacy, and seek to devote resources for its conservation. Many of the buildings have matured alongside and may need special attention in later life. This inheritance is something should cherish ( devoting time and effort to heritage conservation and to the revitalisation of the historic buildings).

Heritage Conservation Policy

To protect, conserve and revitalise as appropriate historical and heritage sites and buildings through relevant and sustainable approaches for the benefit and enjoyment of present and future generations. In implementing this policy, due regard should be given to development needs in the public interest, respect for private property rights, budgetary considerations, cross-sector collaboration and active engagement of stakeholders and the general public.

Hong Kong Heritage website will provide you with online information about heritage conservation work. Additionally, it will serve as a platform and digital store for all heritage-related information. 


Image Credit: Conserve and Revitalise Hong Kong Heritage


+(852) 2189 7264



Hong Kong
Commissioner for Heritage's Office Development Bureau 19/F West Wing, Central Government Offices 2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong

How to get there?

Commissioner for Heritage's Office
Development Bureau
19/F West Wing, Central Government Offices
2 Tim Mei Avenue, Tamar, Hong Kong