Please note that this is an overdue event

Sci-Fi-Sci 2023

Sci-Fi-Sci 2023

Daily life and science are inseparable. Through imaginative scientific settings, science fictions lead us to different and weird worlds so that we have opportunities to discuss various issues that may affect the world, such as human cloning, climate change and space exploration, thus leading us to reconsider our situation.

Waterworld brings us to the future Earth on which the sea level is so high that there seems to be no land. On the threat of death, what is the crux of human survival?  From Contact which features the search of extraterrestrial intelligence to Moon which depicts the exploration of the Moon, do human beings have sufficient knowledge to deal with these issues?

This programme is co-organised by the Hong Kong Science Museum, the Hong Kong Space Museum and the Film Programmes Office. Post-screening talks conducted by those in the related scientific fields will be held for each film.  Apart from enjoying the films, audience may have some afterthoughts about the relationship between science, human, and our Earth.

  • Contact - 02.4(Sun) 2:30pm - Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum
  • Contact - 07.4(Fri) 2:30pm - Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum
  • Moon - 09.4(Sun) 7:00pm - Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive
  • Moon - 14.4(Fri) 7:30pm - Lecture Hall, Hong Kong Science Museum
  • Waterworld - 15.4(Sat) 2:30 - pmLecture Hall, Hong Kong Space Museum
  • Waterworld - 16.4(Sun) 2:30pm - Cinema, Hong Kong Film Archive


Image Credit: Film Programmes Office Leisure and Cultural Services Department





Hong Kong