Please note that this is an overdue event

Russian ballet school Open Classes

Russian ballet school Open Classes

The Russian Culture Week is honoured to invite you to the open classes at the Russian Ballet School Hong Kong.

The Russian Ballet School is the first ballet school in Hong Kong to exclusively use the Vaganova system.

“We feel that the single, most important aspect of our school lies in the background and quality of our teachers. Only by having the best training available will children learn ballet correctly and make the advances necessary to perform to a high level”.

The open Arabesque Group classes (11+ years) are held:

  • October, 23 (Monday), 6:30pm – 7:50pm
  • October, 28 (Saturday), 11:50am – 1:10pm

Admission is free, however, please book a seat in advance, as the number of seats is limited.
To enrol, please contact:
Please, come 10 minutes before the beginning of the session.


Credit: Image of Russian Ballet School





Telephone number

+(852) 2570 2006



Hong Kong
Unit 1010, 10/F, Fortress Tower, 250 King's Road, North Point