Description: Volunteers will assist students, who are in need, to finish their homework individually (especially on Chinese Subject). HOHK's NGO hopes that the volunteers will build up a positive model to the students by casual interaction.
All volunteers who attend this activity must be registered with HandsOn Hong Kong. If you wish to have a friend or family member join you on this activity, they must first register with Hands On and sign up for the activity. You can sing up here.
Language: Cantonese speakers who can write and read traditional Chinese. Minimum Age:18+.
Remarks: HOHK is looking for volunteer leaders for this project, if you have good command of Cantonese, live nearby or are willing to volunteer regularly on weekdays (once/ twice a month, you will be rotating shifts with other leaders in the team) and help out in this project, please email HOHK with title: Applying VL of HKSPC To Kwa Wan project.
Volunteer Limit: 5
Opportunity Leader: HandsOn Hong Kong
Full opportunity address and directions will be sent to you by e-mail after you sign up.
Hong KongHong Kong, Kowloon City
How to get there?
Full opportunity address and directions will be sent to you by e-mail after you sign up.