If architecture can traverse art, then can sculpture traverse architecture?
In this fascinating workshop, award-winning architect Tony Ip will help you deconstruct the code between architecture and sculpture. Through creative model creation, based on your favorite work in the sculpture park, you will have the chance to build your own creative playground. Sessions will also involve active discussion and sharing, helping you better understand the relationship between architecture and art in the city.
- Date:
10/03/2018 (Sat) - Age:8-12 with parents
24/03/2018 (Sat) - Age:15+
01/04/2018 (Sun) - Age: 8-12 with parents
- Time: 14:30pm – 16:30
- Tutor:Tony Ip
- Language: Cantonese
- Capacity: 20 people per workshop
- Register here: www.harbourarts.hk
Credit: images of Hong Kong Arts Centre
Telephone number
+(852) 2582 0200
Hong KongTamar Park Harcourt Rd Admiralty Hong Kong Island