During the closure of the museum, social media campaign “An Object a Week” was launched in April 2020. Mr. Tam Kwong Lim led our audience on a virtual gallery walk, featuring 4 highlighted objects from the Canton Trade and Opium War.
Seeing in the dark: Hong Kong Harbour and Lighthouses
Funded by Maritime and Aviation Training Fund (MATF), Transport and Housing Bureau. Hong Kong Maritime Museum (HKMM) and Lighthouse Heritage Research and Connections Project (LHRC) of the City University of Hong Kong (CityU), co-organized the programme “Seeing in the Dark: Stories of Hong Kong Harbour and Lighthouse”. This online exhibition is part of the project, and it serves as long-term learning resources of Hong Kong’s lighthouse and its maritime history and development.
Marine Ecosystem and Our Daily Lives
As part of the 2015-2020 Strategic Plan to explore local marine environmental issues, and with the grant from the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, 2 talks on sustainable seafood choices and marine pollution were organised in mid-October 2018, together with a learning booklet and pledge card for children to enhance the understanding of the subject matter to a wider audience.
Image Credit: Hong Kong Maritime Museum
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