To actively echo the "Night Vibes Hong Kong" campaign, the Hong Kong Science Museum, will be hosting "Science Fun Night" on Saturday evenings during the extended openings. Through different booths and games, participants can make interesting crafts or try different science experiments to enjoy science.
Event dates (Saturday evenings):
- (1) 30.9.2023
- (2) 7.10.2023
- (3) 14.10.2023
- (4) 21.10.2023
- (5) 28.10.2023
- (6) 4.11.2023
- (7) 11.11.2023
- (8) 18.11.2023
- (9) 25.11.2023
- Pencil Circuit
- Palaeo-Detective
Venue: Earth Science Gallery, 1/F
Time: 7pm – 9pm
- Fun Roly-Poly
Venue: Discovery Corner, Earth Science Gallery, 1/F
Activities are subject to changes without prior notice.
Image Credit: Hong Kong Science Museum
Telephone number
+(852) 2732 3232
Hong Kong2 Science Museum Road, Tsimshatsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong